Nature's Tears EyeMist

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Nature's Tears EyeMist

from $8.98

All natural, sterile, humidifying mist

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  • Patented formula replenishes lost eye moisture
  • Instantly soothes eye discomfort
  • Safe, sterile and quickly applied
  • No tear film flooding
  • No dosage limit -- apply as often as desired
  • Excellent for contact lenses
  • Additive Free: no preservatives or allergens
  • No chemical propellants, no saline
  • Compatible with all eye care products
  • Does not cause eye make-up to run
  • Five-year shelf-life

Nature's Tears EyeMist is a gentle, all-natural mist for dry eyes. Nature's Tears EyeMist is perfectly suited to be used multiple times a day, even while wearing contact lenses, for eye discomfort associated with allergies, dry eye, red eye, and general eye discomfort.

Severe chronic dry eye is a dehydration disease with multiple causes, linked to age, gender, hormones and environmental conditions.

The causes of dry eye disease are multiple, complex and not completely understood. Because of the rapid worldwide increase in dry eye disease and other dehydration diseases, especially severe chronic dry eye, tear film research discoveries are now isolating the physical, demographic and environmental causes of this potentially sight threatening and life threatening condition.

Nearly everyone experiences occasional, transient dry eye and tear film water loss. It is estimated that 40 million Americans suffer from dry eye disease or dry eye syndrome. Dry eye symptoms are the #1 reason for eye doctor visits in the United States. Worldwide, especially in countries where medical facilities are poor, dry air is a problem, water is scarce or unsafe and air pollution is far worse, dry eye - and dehydration diseases resulting from dry eye and tear film water loss - is a leading cause of impaired eyesight, preventable blindness and even death.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Read all product packaging for ingredients, suggested use, warnings, and other important information prior to use. The information contained on this web site is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional.